Straight from the Mouths of Therapists

Follow your Heart straight to destruction
Follow your heart…Straight into destruction: Why The “Follow Your Heart” Mentality can be not only damaging, but dangerous. Time for an unpopular opinion: “Follow your

7 Tips to Navigate Stressful Family Dynamics During the Holidays
The holiday season is a time of celebration, gratitude, and spending quality time with loved ones, but it is also for many a season of

How long should you wait before going to couples counseling?
Unfortunately, most couples wait about 7 years too long before reaching out for help. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t wait to go to

What 7 questions should you ask to find the right couples counselor for you?
When searching for the right couples counselor, it’s important to ask the following questions to ensure that you find someone who is a good fit

What are the marks of a good couples counselor?
A good couples counselor should possess several qualities to be effective in helping to improve your relationship. Of course it’s important to find the right

Help I feel Alone in my Relationship. Can Couples Therapy Help?
What is Emotional Neglect Within a Romantic Relationship? Emotional neglect is when an individual’s emotional needs are consistently ignored or inadequately met by important people